Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Plunking Along

I can’t believe we’ve already passed the middle of March. I have really enjoyed my time at home with David the last few weeks. It’s been almost surreal planning for weekends in advance, to feel a sense of living here at home…not just a place where I rest my head in transition. Usually our weeks together are filled with unpacking, re-packing and a million chores before we say goodbye for another stretch. Amazingly, we’re still married too! Many people have joked that our time apart is what’s kept us together all these years, although I have to argue that that’s what has held us back from being even closer (no pun intended).

My knee is coming along, but again, it’s a slow process. Some days it feels daunting knowing how far I have to go and the pain I’ll have to endure to get there. Although my muscles are reacting extremely well and the range I have is fairly functional – it’s still very limited. Daily routines include a lot of painful exercises to increase my range of motion. I’m lucky to have David with me since he’s able to push me extremely hard in between my physio sessions. This is key to getting my knee healthy again…although I know it’s hard on David.

What else has been keeping me busy? Well, as anyone who knows me I certainly like to fill my time with projects! One thing that I’ve been working on for the last 5 weeks has been a mental training program through Minds At Work. It’s a program that trains your ‘working memory’ – the functional short term memory you use to perform everyday tasks. It is also said to help high performance athletes take in a lot of information at once and process it quickly in order to help make the best possible decision. This would all happen in a millisecond. I’ve been happy with the training and I look forward to seeing how it translates into my daily life. Lately, I can say that I have felt ‘highly functional’ but it’s hard to specify changes since it’s so pervasive. The brain is elastic and I know from experience that we can train our minds and bodies to reach incredible feats.

On another front, I have become quite popular as a keynote speaker for corporate events. This has kept me busy along with my speaking engagements at schools.

All in all, life if good. I’m plunking along working hard as always. Still, my number one priority is getting my knee back in working order so I can race as fast as ever.



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